Rollerman Sarajevo Challenge at Tegernsee Film Festival

Festival of film makers.

Danny Strasser was introducing the film “Sarajevo Challenge” at Tegernsee Film Festival staring Jean Yves Blondeau. It is a film that we made together around the Bob track of Sarajevo. This film is a plaidoyer for peace. It explains that the real challenge, more than sport performance, is about keeping people living together in peace. and then bring the joy of extreme sport where it is not expected. It was very important for us to show row return of sport in the ruins of the war, make the life enjoyable again.

video not showed Tegernsee Film Festival

Here is a secret reedition of the 2 movies together; the teaser and the film. it was not payed at the Tegernsee Film Festival. It is exclusif for, It has never been uploaded before. It stays private and not referenced by search engine. If you want the film, contact us.