We made Speed record of Rollerman 116km/h in 2008 at Mont Ventoux. We were on our way travelling from Izoard pass to Seares Spain. It was agreed that we would use any mountain good to roll. Indeed we had a lot of scouting some lost narrow mountain roads. We knew Mont Ventoux’s reputation from long time. But this was the first time to see it from very close.
Yvon makes every one go faster
It is impossible to go slow when Yvon Labarthe is on the same road in luge. And by simply testing the road it changed quickly to become a chase for speed record. The decision was taken in a blink. Obviously every one was prepared to this eventuality.
You need to have the helmet in the luggage, the friends to drive the bus and hold the camera, the good weather, and few people on the road. Everything was there. The road is almost a straight line over a mile and a half, with a pin on the right and rocks to accommodate a straight wipe out. Braking is important. And the safety distances eat the speed that is gained just before braking. It was still a reasonable descent where we were not in the risk margin. Three years after the previous record of 110 km / h at Oberwiesenthal, it was good news to celebrate the progress of the armor and the pilot.