Here is where Jean yves became LEGENDARY HERO of Tian Men Shan Mountain

During the winter of 2012, Jean Yves Blondeau was approached by them Chinese teams for an event in the heart of China in a sacred place. It is a mountain whose opening gives on the sky. Place of pilgrimage for some and tourist place for the government. The road includes 99 bends which is a powerful and symbolic number in China. An amalgam of 11 km of vibrating and winding concrete slabs passes from one side of the cliffs to several sides of the valley like a boomerang or echo sound that gets lost in the mountain escarpments
The road is known as a spectacular scenography experience. Its circulation is strictly ruled and regulated by the army. The bottom of the valley is dedicated to an open-air opera that uses the mountain as a backdrop. It plays a mythological fresco where lovers become white foxes. The chorus of woman is extraordinary.
To prepare the descent, Jean Yves went on site a month before. It was necessary to check the feasibility, prepare the press photos, draw the ramps, the banked turns, and find the place for the jump.
When the time came, Jean Yves came back. The weather is capricious, and the storms in this region are terrible. His plane did not arrive at the right airport. He arrived the next day. During the same day it can rain down, make nice, get down the mist, rain again and get away. The green parts on the concrete road are algae that become slippery like soap as soon as they are wet. In the tunnel the water runs all the time. And even at 30 km / h it is difficult not to get off the road. On one side a deep concrete channel and rocks, and on the other side the road is lined with concrete pads every one meter. Empty space between blocks is enough to fly out. Just behind the studs there is the steep cliff often overhanging. When there is no vegetation it really means that the rock is brutal, because the vegetation in this hot and humid valley, is a lush tropical jungle, through which it would be difficult to progress, and falls cascading on the high flanks of the road as it can.
Every morning in the city the firecrackers resonate against the walls of buildings. At the beginning Jean Yves believed in shots. But Their repetition and the calm of the streets reminded him of the joyful culture of firecrackers to celebrate the events of life. Later he could see the charred cartons and red confetti of jagged papers strewn around the houses.
Jean Yves had two Chinese escorts. One was the translator, the other was the man of the networks. The second was used to enjoy eating in boiled chicken legs. There is only skin on the bones, and everything is a bit transparent. The opposite of his predator!
On the day of the feat, the mountain was emptied of its visitors. There were only the opera people in stage costumes for the occasion, the police, the journalists, and the local party leader, whose availability alone had justified the choice of the date. That is to say how important he is.
In the middle of the descent, the vibrations ended up redoing the straps of legs and it was necessary to leave the protection of hip. Without stopping, while driving, Jean Yves passed it to the next car.
The complexity of the route, its length, its lack of perspective at ground level, made it very difficult to memorize in its entirety. Jean Yves had therefore established a marking code for the important points of trajectory, the braking zones, the holes in the pavement, the zones of weak adhesion. Each trap has been marked referenced on the map and on the road. It was therefore possible to decode the route even if the visibility was missing or the memory was disturbed. It was important to eliminate surprises and master known risks.
It was not a very fast but difficult descent. On the one hand the floor was super slippery, moreover the vibrations ended up altering the visual acuity of Jean Yves. It became difficult to decipher the road. After twenty minutes, it was time to arrive.
But hat was not the end. Jean Yves had to jim over 4,5 meter gap with pikes on the floor. The difficulty was to be able to arrive at right speed to jump enough but not too much. He could succeed.
In the evening, Jean Yves was alone in his hotel room. Such boring ! So he went skating alone to discover the city. And he could not make friend to anyone.
A Exploit de jean Yves Blondeau at this place and the opportunity to attract media from around the world. The images of the descent have been broadcast in all countries. In China only the retransmission was seen by 380 Million spectators. Years later, this event remains a reference in Chinese history.
Here is our video of LEGENDARY HERO