Dirt surf before BUGGY ROLLIN
Surprisingly the first BUGGY ROLLIN videos 2011 is not BUGGY ROLLIN but dirt surf. It is used By Jean Yves to test the road before rolling with BUGGY ROLLIN because Dirt surf has bigger wheels and good brake.
the Gold recovery

So second video is the return of Golden Suit. Four years after the disparition of the golden suit and buggy ski suit in South Korea, the suits have been recover. This video is a celebration of this recover with enjoying using the gold suit again.
We also can see the golden suit finally coming back in the bob track, the place where it was designed to be. Altenberg and La plagne are together in one cool video.
Sarajevo videos
The trips to Sarajevo where mind changing. Rollerman is positioning himself as a sport ambassador for piece and happiness.
rollerman @ Sarajevo from Daft Roller on Vimeo.
Among the BUGGY ROLLIN videos 2011 you can see Yun Chang Jun Progressing on BUGGY ROLLIN with Jean Yves Blondeau as master. Discover Yanran making her first steps, the ROLLERMAN show in Geisingen Germany and Bangkok Thailand.
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Rollerman making the Movie with Jackie Chan.
The last gallery is that of videos shot by Jean Yves on the set and after the shooting of CZ12.
we can see the preparation of the film in France. Discover the making of official with the interviews of Jackie and Jean Yves.
Each the master of the other
Jean Yves Blondeau had the chance to work with Jackie Chan. Even though Jackie said Jean Yves was his master, Jean Yves learned a lot from Jackie about how a movie is made.
Back on the tracks
He returns to the same place to freeride. In short appearance, it is possible to see Jackie staging the film.
In addition each displayed descent is linked to a place and an action of the film. When you are shown a descent, you are also shown the action of the film that took place there. We show a lot of things behind the scenes so you can get an idea of how the movie was done. Fasten your belts!
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