Jean Yves Blondeau was invited by Beijing Micro Skate company to make show in schools with BUGGY ROLLN at Urumqi in order to promote Roller Sports.
Strict rules
As introduction meeting before the event, the sport government People explained us some special rules applied to this area. Police can control camera or phone picture at anytime. We are not allowed to take picture of police, security, government buildings or government people. If police ask to control we must cooperate without trouble. That is no problem because police is not our interest. Our interests are sports and education. The luggages were scan at each hotel. They were scan at parcs gate and restaurants. The only thing to do is to cooperate patiently at all control.
Visiting schools with Rollerman BYGGY ROLLIN at Urumqi
We were warmly welcomed in schools. Schools presentation was made very seriously, kid would sing songs altogether perfectly. Some Kids were natural genius in how they integrated the need of learning foreign language in order to straight communicate.
That is the case of the little girl who went directly to speak to Jean Yves asking accurate questions in a perfect english. After show we made some pictures and signature with the kids. The contact with the children is very refreshing.
Different cities
We visited two schools. One in Urumqi and the other one was in the city of Karamai. Karamai is the number one place in china to produce petrol. Surprisingly, the petrol is plopping out of the top of hill in the desert.
City of Xiao Long
Urumqi is the home fo Xiao Long. So Jean Yves came to visit him at his skate school and made a show for him. He was not invited to make show in the schools. But after Jean Yves asked the authorities he was invited to go in the last schools were Jean Yves could not. Being introduced to Xiao Long kids was nice, and seeing his school was helping to understand who he is.

Progress with Chang Yue
Instead if Xiao Long, Chang Yue was invited to make show in school wearing BUGGY ROLLIN wheelsuit. So we were 2 BUGGY ROLLIN at Urumqi schools. It was nice to spend time with Chang Yue learning each other and make training outdoor cold morning and at night in hotel lobby of Karamai. In the hotel Lobby at deep night we were making exercices to push only with legs and make tight turn in skelton position .
Unfortunately,we had no time to work on a proper common choreography. Maybe another time…
Photos of BYGGY ROLLIN at Urumqi
Dinner with official and special cake for Rollerman. Performance at Xiao Long Skate school. Rollerman show at Urumqi and Karamai school.
Freeride with Xiao Long
The last day, just before Jean Yves Blondeau had to take airplane back to Europe, we decided to go outside the city of Urumqi for freeride.
First we tried a small road near the city. But then Xiao Long was getting frustrated that the road was so short. So he cancelled his own schedule to stay more with Jean Yves. They went together one hour away from the city. The second road was longer but boring. Finally we could find an exciting road starting near a dam in the mountain. On the road, were running with us, chicken, donkeys and cows.
We came just in time back to airport for Jean Yves .
The video one of two about BUGGY ROLLIN at Urumqi
And for the end the pictures of the people at Xiao Long School.
After the show people took time to make picture with Jean Yves Blondeau Without the BUGGY ROLLIN armor. they coud get some signed postcard and stickers from Jean Yves and talk to him directly. This direct contact is essential for Jean Yves. It makes a very special color in life.