All contacts BUGGY ROLLIN
all Contacts addresses given here are with spaces on each side of the @ to avoid being retrieved as spam. Just use them by removing the spaces. For example shop @ buggy … becomes shop @ buggy ….
Contact Jean Yves Blondeau, Rollerman
For courses, for demonstrations, for shows, for videos, questions that do not find answers in this site (it’s impossible there is everything in this site) the contacts are on the image below for not to be read by a robot.
Facebook page of Jean Yves Blondeau
Facebook page of Rollerman

Director of business for China : Pr. Jin Ying Helen
Professor Jin Ying, Helen Golden Eagle, specialist in communication strategy, awarded chinese Business woman in 2019. She is the first Chinese to understand the potential and the spirit of BUGGY ROLLIN.
golden-eagle @
shcmgh @
Agent for Cinema and Commercial Films : Jodi Ehrlich
Jodi is an experienced producer and executive assistant of cinema and TV series. She is Jean Yves Blondeau’s partner for image contract negotiations. She is part as jean yves union Hollywood actors, but also that of the producers. Find her IMDB
Jodi Ehrilch Holywood : jodi @
Rights of use most of Photos : Christophe Lebedinsky
In this website, there is a large amount of image in the galleries. They come from different photographers, different places different periods. There are, however, among the friendly photographers, a faithful person who is found throughout the years, it is christophe Lebedinsky, says KiKi LeBe. It has the largest BUGGY ROLLIN image collection available for professional use.
Christoph Lebedinsky : Christophe @
The shop page shows and explains all BUGGY ROLLIN products.
If you want to order an armor make an e-mail to
shop @
FIBRA Chemin des Graviers 2 , 1290 Versoix, GE, Suisse, fibra @ buggy-rollin . com
Most active pilots are on the PILOTS page
You can also consult the facebook page of BUGGY ROLLIN community