All Actual BUGGY ROLLIN pilot are showing a true brotherhood comparable to the knights of the round table by themselves. The list follows the order of apparition in BUGGY ROLLIN sports.
- 1 Jean Yves Blondeau MASTER ROLLERMAN
- 2 Sebastien Bertholet OTAKU ROLLIN
- 3 Christophe Andreatta RIDERMAN FRANCE
- 4 Anthony Finocchiaro FINCH
- 6 Todd Born TODD
- 7 Freezy Zhao FREEZY
- 9 Luis Villamizar Correa BUGGY ROLLIN BUCARAMANGA
- 10 Chang Yue YUE
- 11 Everton Aline EVERTON ROLLERMAN
- 12 Kimberley Bijlsma KIM ROLLIN
- 13 Yun Chang Jun CHANG JUN
- 14 Chi Heng Xin
- 15 Carole Andreatta CAROLLER
- 16 Li Yong Jie
- 17 Masahiro Sawai
- 18 Han Chenchen
First BUGGY ROLLIN pilot Jean-Yves Blondeau :“Master Rollerman” France

Creator of the discipline of BUGGY ROLLIN in 1994, and BUGGY SKI in 2005, creator of the positions, creators of name of position. Hold speed record 126 km/h on road, 100 km/h on bob track , legendary hero of Tian Men Shan, Master of Jackie Chan, stunt double of Jim Carrey, uses BUGGY SKI, BUGGY ICE, e-BUGGY ROLLIN, design, assemble and produces BUGGY ROLLIN suits. Make show Film and TV in all disciplines.
Here is the link to Jean Yves Blondeau profile
Second BUGGY ROLLIN pilot Sebastien Bertholet ; “Otaku Rollin” Swiss
First try BUGGY ROLLIN in 1996 in Lausanne. Owns 2 Suits. Teaches BUGGY ROLLIN with “la TER” association of Geneva. have been rollin in downhill, bob track and performances. BUGGY ROLLIN is an expression in reality of his love for Japanese sub culture of manga, video and games.
“it was in 1996 in Lausanne. I was competing in roller skating. This year, I met Jean Yves Blondeau, and his strange combination on wheels. It hangs right away because I am curious naure. Rolling diaper gave me such a feeling of freedom that I continued.
it’s not difficult for me to learn how to make BUGGY ROLLIN. The combination consists of several parts. We can very well choose to put the wheels on the knees or on the elbows. Little bit, we add accessories to really roll in all positions. Those who skate already already try this special armor. the first time I did, she was too small for me, but now I have two. at first my relatives took me for a madman. When I explained to them the magic of the stars when we are on the back, the impression of speed when we are 2 cm from the ground, they understood. we may be crazy now, we may be genies tomorrow.”
“C’etait en 1996 a lausanne. je faisais alors de la competion en roller. Cette annee la, j’ai rencontre Jean Yves Blondeau, et son etrange combinaison a roulettes. Ca a accroche tout de suite car je suis de naure curieuse. Rouler couche m’a procure une telle sensation de liberte que j’ai continue.
il m’est pas difficile d’apprendre a faire du BUGGY ROLLIN. La combinaiseon se compose de plusieurs parties. On peut tres bien choisir de ne mettre les roues que sur les genoux ou sur les coudes. Peu peu, on rajoute des accesssoires pour vraiment rouler dans toutes les positions. Ceux qui font du roller on deja tous essaye cette armure speciale. la premiere fois que j’en ai fais, elle etait trop petite pour moi, mais maintenant j’en ai deux. au debut mes proches m’ont pris pour un fou. Quand je leur ai explique la magie des etoiles quand on est sur le dos,l’impression de vitesse quand on est a 2 cm du sol, ils ont compris. on est peut-etre fou maintenant, on serai peut-etre des genies demain.”
Third BUGGY ROLLIN pilot Christophe Andreatta : “Riderman” France
He started to build his own BUGGY ROLLIN suits in stainless steel in 20o9, he made his own BUGGY SKI, and developed his own BUGGY ICE and also suit for his children. Make show on wheels, ice and snow. He likes new challenges. Max speed on road 115 Km/h, in bob track 90 km/h. He is maybe one of the second most active and polyvalent BUGGY ROLLIN pilot in the world. He is developing e-BUGGY ROLLIN withcurrent flat speed record 111km/h. (BUGGY ROLLIN SUIT powered by electric motors)
“I was born in France in 1967. I discover rollerblading at the age of 40 years.
I start by practicing aggressive skating, slalom figures then at 42 years old
after seeing a rollerman video. I decide to make my first steel armor!
Since then I continue to manufacture most of my carbon fiber armor.
The buggy is for me a technique to move using different media.
I practice the buggy rollin downhill / freestyle / bobtrack, the buggy ice freestyle, the buggy jump and the buggy ski.
I started to teach buggy rollin to my daughter 11 years old and my son at 13 years old.
My daughter continues to train with me.”
4 BUGGY ROLLIN pilot Anthony Finocchiaro “Finch” Spain
Started rollin with BUGGY ROLLIN in 2013 has in “own” BUGGY ROLLIN suit since 2014. likes bob track, downhill, and skatepark. max speed in bob track ?
5 BUGGY ROLLIN pilot Eduardo Zarate “Columbia”
Discovered BUGGY ROLLIN thanks Jim Carrey’s movie Yesman in 2008. Build his own suit 2011 (s0rry). BUGGY ROLLIN is a philosophy for him.
“After my struggle for years to have a line armor I can achieve it in 2017.
I want to conquer the roads of South America in the events of Downhill.
I love Life and I think the rollerman are stars of a parallel constellation (optional 😉 )”
“Luego de mi lucha por años para tener una armadura de línea lo logre en 2017.
Quiero conquistar las carreteras de Suramérica en los eventos de Downhill.
Amo la Vida y pienso que los rollerman somos estrellas de una constelación paralela ( optional )”
Thank you Jean-Yves Blondeau for showing us a world of respect, love for life, for nature and universal friendship in a sport of another world! … We see life from an alternative poin
Gracias Jean-Yves Blondeau por mostrarnos un mundo de respeto ,amor por la vida , por la naturleza y la amistad universal dentro de un deporte de otro mundo! …Vemos la vida desde un punto de vista alterno que nos da felicidad,, cada vez seremos mas,, Merci beaocoup!!
6 BUGGY ROLLIN pilot Todd Born USA
Build his own suit 2010? after seen Jim Carrey movie Yesman. Care of lost dogs. He likes downhill. Own a yellow Brumble Bee transformer suit derivate from BUGGY ROLLIN suit. Has special setting on his chest with two on line spinning wheels.
Built own suit 2010 after watching Swiss Alps video (of Jean Yves) on YouTube 2006. Loves downhill. Has built a powered suit 2015. Owns Mangy Mutt Rescue in AZ, USA. Was first to ride with Jean-Yves downhill on Stunt Rd and Malibu Beach in CA, USA. Cosplay crossover with modified BUGGY ROLLIN suit as Bumble Bee, Autobot Transformer. Owner of BRAZUSA: WHEELPILOT GUILD. He used to have his own special setting on his chest with two on line spinning wheels.
7 BUGGY ROLLIN pilot Freezy Zhao CHINA
Ex world champion in slide free style in line skating, he wanted to promote BUGGY ROLLIN in China since 2011. He has Two Black BUGGY ROLLIN suit that allows him to teach BUGGY ROLLIN in Shanghai. he loves skatepark, downhill, bob track , he makes shows, Tv shows and advertising with BUGGY ROLLIN suits.
He was winner of the Chinese national downhill race 2018 in BUGGY ROLLIN Rollerman section.
8 BUGGY ROLLIN pilot Xiao Long “Little Dragon” China
Build his own orange suit after seen Jackie chan CZ 12 movie. Met Jean Yves Blondeau in Zhongnim China 2015? Ordered a special BUGGY ROLLIN suit for 2016. He makes shows. Loves slalom, and show on flat, downhill. Has a skate school. He also goes BUGGY ICE.
He was second to the Chinese national downhill race 2018 in BUGGY ROLLIN Rollerman section.
9 BUGGY ROLLIN pilot Luis Villamizar Correa “Buggy Rollin Bucaramanga” Columbia
Builded his own suit yellow BUGGY ROLLIN after watching Jackie chan CZ 12 movie. He loves motorbikes, speed downhill and bob track .
“I met the rollin buggy on the Internet where I saw a video of Jean-Yves Blondeau and I liked it and looking at photos and videos. I designed my yellow suit to be visible on the road and I also worked arranging and restoring motorcycles. I drive at great speed”
“Conocí el buggy rollin por Internet donde vi un video de Jean-Yves Blondeau y me gusto y mirando fotos y videos diseñe el traje mio de color amarillo para que sea visible en la carretera y tanbien trabajo arreglando y restaurando motocicletas conduzco a gran velocidad”
10 BUGGY ROLLIN pilot Chang Yue “Yue” China
Ex freestyle slalom champion, has a skate school, loves making show. He Owns a BUGGY ROLLIN black suit since 2017
11 BUGGY ROLLIN pilot Everton Aline “Everton Rollerman” Brasil
Made his own suit in 2017 . He loves downhill.
12 BUGGY ROLLIN pilot Kimberley Bijlsma Neder Lands
made her own suit in 2017. Loves making special effect with blood in cinema. likes downhill.
13 BUGGY ROLLIN pilot Yun Chang Jun South Korea
First tried BUGGY ROLLIN in 2010. Met Jean yves Blondeau in South Korea in 2007. like freestyle and downhill. has his own suit “black show” since 2018
14 BUGGY ROLLIN pilot Chi Heng Xin China
He is a student of Freezy Zhao in Shanghai. He is a slider skater since 3 years. They train together. He uses the second suit of Freezy. He was third to the Chinese national downhill race 2018 in BUGGY ROLLIN Rollerman section. He is also teaching BUGGY ROLLIN.
15 BUGGY ROLLIN pilot Carole Andreatta “CAROLLER” France
She learned BUGGY ROLLIN with Riderman and trained with Jean Yves Blondeau. She has a special woman chest made by Jean Yves blondeau. She is good and learn very fast.
16 BUGGY ROLLIN fake xxxxxx China
He is a slalom and free skate inline skater. He is from Sichuan province. He discovered BUGY ROLLIN with the film CZ12 from Jackie Chan. He owns a black BUGGY ROLLIN full suit since 2018. Now he copies the armor from Jean Yves Blondeau without his authorization. He sells his copies against the advice of Jean Yves Blondeau. He continues his illegal activities despite an injunction based on the filing of a registered patent in China, and against the honorable conduct required for a FIBRA PILOT, as described in the statutes. These elementary rules of respect for morals do not seem to interest him. Since then he commissions other sellers to place his copies in order to shift the responsibility and make more profit. “Even though I felt like I was betrayed, I was ready to include Li Yong Jin in our next events, because I think we need to cooperate instead of fighting, but his immoral behavior seriously rots the conditions for dialogue. “
Masahiro was following the Progress of Jean Yves Blondeau’s BUGGY ROLLIN suit production since several years. He finally purchased a suit in 2019.
18 fake pilot xxxxxx2 China
Ex employee of Xiao Long, he obtained an illegal copy of BUGGY ROLLIN. He is abusing amateurs by trying to resell fake BUGGY ROLLIN at double the normal price on various Chinese platforms. He is damaging the image and the cohesion of the BUGGY ROLLIN community. His immorality is in total opposition to the sense of undue respect for a true Pilot. If it appears in this list it is as a counter example.
shame for Chinese and Olympic flag no trust fake suit fake suit Han Chenchen fake suit of Han Chenchen Illegal selling attempt for more than twice the price 10 000 Euro instead of 4500 Copy Illegally sold by Li Yong Jie illegal copy quality is not there good face bad manners