BUGGY ROLLIN in Press 2013 in Switzerland.
Damian Andrey, world speed recorder in luge 2017 had invited the regional press of the val de travers in the Swiss Jura to meet Jean Yves Blondeau on the slopes nearby. It was a beautiful day whose lifts towed by the 405 GTI Damian were still crazy as descents on the tree-lined roads lined green fir well that should not under any circumstances go kissing at full speed.
Swiss quality.
Jura Switzerland is the country of watchmaking, and the quality of its roads is in harmony with the local industry. As if the roads were made not to shake the beautiful mechanics, they are not super fast but, they have a smooth and perfect surface, which in terms of BUGGY ROLLIN is sought for a nice aesthetic and precise practice.
Video of “Arc Info” Swiss.
BUGGY ROLLIN in press 2013 on French TV “France3, Midi en France.”
Jean Yves Blondeau Jean Yves Blondeau aka Rollerman was invited on the snowy plateau of the French national television channel “France3” in Méribel, for the “Midi en France” program. It is a general-interest entertainment program based on chronicles that takes place in the morning just before the midday diary. Its particularity is to move in the towns and villages of France in order to discover the French cultural variety. Jean Yves living in the Alps, he was presented with local products. As to announce the release in the media of BUGGY SKI, the demonstration was made on the snow. So we did not ride much, but laughed well.
The Paris Slalom World Championship is a world class competition. The competition is organized in Paris By the team of Sebastien Lafargue, the skate distributor Universkate brands SEBA and FR. While the judges finish deliberating, Jean Yves Blondeau with his armor BUGGY ROLLIN Blue, gives a choreographed representation showing the varied possibilities of use of its wheel suit.
BUGGY SKI for children TV “on est pas que des cobayes”.

This is the second time Jean Yves Blondeau appears in the show “we are not only guinea pigs“. The first had been on the slopes of Mount Ventoux in armor with wheels. This time it was at Plagne Montalbert that we found Vincent’s team.
Montalbert the alternative glide.
Because Montalbert is the resort of the plagne that favors alternative gliding, especially with the Festigliss, and always welcomes the BUGGY SKI with enthusiasm and sympathy.
Speed the press.
The filming started late, so it ended in disaster. The most important shots are filmed at the last minute. Then, the team rushes into cars leaving us skis rentals at the edge of the car park. Ahh the stressed Parisians …
Special armor.
Vincent did a good job. Jean Yves had made him a pair of babushski at his size so he could try the BUGGY SKI ski armor. We chose a wide track with a gentle slope.
The video of guinea pigs in BUGGY SKI on snow.
BUGGY ROLLIN in press 2013 France 3 @ Quintal Semnoz.
The good light.
The France3 team goes through the house of Jean Yves BLondeau. Together they will make beautiful pictures since the sun overlooks the green slopes. It pierces the impressionist light breakthroughs on the dark asphalt.
The good road.
The action is located on the road to Quintal, on Semnoz, near Annecy. It’s one of Jean Yves’ favorite roads to train and make pictures in the vicinity of her house because she has an interesting profile. There is a big line almost right at 13% which gives a serious impetus. Then a row of three pairs of 90s with varying distances. Then a wet straight pin that slides. And finally, a country walk.
The video of rushs forFRANCE3.
We had a little cheat with the music, but we think it makes a beautiful video.