The choice of place.
Choosing a place to start in BUGGY ROLLIN is a determining factor for the student’s entire career of progression. The level of comfort and fun, the ability to set up games are paramount in the first BUGGY ROLLIN armor test. Like a first kiss, it is a first experience and its first impression depends on the progress of the next acts.
the selection criteria are:
- A flat area.
- No other vehicles, not in the crowd.
- Do not start alone, not without accompaniment.
- Good rolling surfaces, clean smooth dry, without holes, without pebbles, without sand, without cracks, without cable.
- Open areas without obstacles, side of grass is good.
- Good temperature, not in full sun at noon in summer, not at minus 40 degree in the fog at night.
- Shaded with benches and something to drink.
- possibility of multiple combinations of paths to vary the discoveries.
- accessible to the transport of armor.
The Parc of Theater de Verdure in Aix les Bains is therefore a perfect place for BUGGY ROLLIN lessons with Maeva, Christian and Cedric.
Evaluate the roller skating abilities.
The first thing you should do before putting on the armor is to know what is the level of each student in roller skating to determine what will be the exercises to tackle in armor, and if necessary, give the last tips skateboard before complicating the situation .
Put on the armor.
The second thing is to adjust the armor to each other’s bodies. We put armor from the bottom to the top. first the skates, then the legs. There are already exercises with these two elements to perform before donning the rest of the armor. Then the protections of hips and shoulders. The bust and the back come to rest as one puts on a jacket while keeping only one closed shoulder. We adjust the helmet and we like the chin. We end up with arms that slip like gloves.
Conduct of a course
It takes about an hour. The start is long, and the physical effort intense. We start with the use of knees alone with the rollers. Once the basics are included we go on 4 legs. knee and arms roller. There are multiple exercises of propulsion, braking, pivoting, and the first static and dynamic position changes. then we go to the bust to roll on the belly. For the strongest students, we can try the back. At the end, we are happy, soaked and tired. There is a need for alternative business.
A short video.
BUGGY ROLLIN class with Maeva, Christian and Cedric.
In conclusion, it is certain that the BUGGY ROLLIN Course with Maeva, Christian and Cedric went well. Friendship and good humor have made this moment a pleasant experience. With his physical strength Cedric flew over the difficulties with flying colors. His testimony: “Beautiful memory with Jean Yves Blondeau and his family!
Unforgettable experience
Thank you Mister Rollerman “.
Christian despite a level of approximate rollerblading seemed to have fun. And Maeva as always was royal, smart, attentive, and funny.